Today’s Lesson
Prayer Point - Pray that the Lord will give all our youth wonderful husbands and wives in Jesus' name.
Previous Knowledge - Teacher reviews the previous week's lesson. Teacher also marks the workbook.
1. Opening

A. BIBLE PASSAGE - Genesis 24:1-19

B. Memory Verse - "House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.” Proverbs19:14.

C. Lesson Introduction - Marriage is the legal relationship between a husband and wife that lasts for a life time. The steps taken before going into marriage are very important to prevent pitfalls - Gen.2:21-22. In knowing God's will, therefore, you do not have to rely on vague hunches and weird rituals. As a child of God, you have His word, His Spirit within you and His men to guide and counsel you.


A. Lesson Aim - To study how to know the will of God in marriage.

B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to establish a good relationship first with God.
They should also be able to accept some godly counsels for marriage. To achieve these objectives, teacher explains the benefits of having a good relationship with God first and state some godly counsels for marriage. Teacher concludes by drawing the class attention to the importance of prayer, pure word of God, fellowship, etc as factors to operate in God's will.

C. Text Review - Genesis 24:1-19
The events which led into the marriage between Isaac and Rebecca provide the following lessons for us to learn from:
i. Every father must drum to the ears of their children (and servants) that only the will of God must be done in marriage. (Abraham made his servant Eliezer swear to this agreement)V.3a
ii. No matter what the situation may look like, believers must not marry from among unbelievers (the daughter of Canaanite )V.3b
iii. Choice must be made from among the believers (but thou shall go to my kindred) V.4
iv. The cost of doing so and the sacrifice to pay should not be excused for disobeying the godly command. (the servant took 10 camels from Mesopotamia which was far from Canaan. V.1 0

v. In seeking the face of God, prayer for guidance is very essential. V.12

vi. Measuring the physical signs with the word of God is a good step in discovering the will of God. V14./19/21.
The end of the journey of faith was glorious because the servant of Abraham was well guided by the instructions of his master.

D. Teaching Method - Teacher should use lecture teaching method.

E. Time Management - 15 minutes for Opening, 30 minutes for Lesson Outline, Summary, Conclusion and Assignment, 15 minutes for General Review.

2. Lesson Outlines

a. God is the author of marriage Genesis 2: 18

b. God reveals His will to His children in marriage because He wants us to do His will.

c. To discover His will, we must be in right relationship with Him. Psalm 119:130,105.

d. We must follow His guidelines strictly. Jer. 10:23; Psalm 85:8

e. Eternity must be our focus and standard as we prepare for marriage. 2 Peter 1 :3-4

f. You are advised to get a job and ensure you are working. This will reduce stress (social and economic) after the marriage - Gen. 2:15-18.

Class Activity 1 - Why do you think that some people who are seeking for partners in marriage are not in most of times willing to follow Abraham's pattern of selection?

a. Do not marry an unbeliever. 2 Cor. 6: 14-16; I Cor. 6:15-17
b .. Follow guides set by the word of God instead of dreams, feelings and impulses. Proverbs 3:5-7; Provo 18:22; Gen. 2:22; Prov.19:14

  1. Remain sensitive, pay attention to door which God opens and closes to direct your path. God knows how to work in you to do His will. Romans 8:28; PhiI2:12-13
  2. Be guided by the counsels of the elders or spiritual heads in the Church and do not despise such godly counsel by your passion for sex and pleasures. Psalm 1:1; Provo 19:21; 11 :14; 15:22; 20:5; Rom 15: 14; Act 1 :24; Judges 14: 1-3; Provo 14: 29; Isaiah 52: 12.
  3. Keep company with believers and be not influenced by peers and the environment. Judges 14: 1-3; Provo 14:29; Isaiah 52:12.

Class Activity 2- Identify any five factors that may influence godly choice in marriage. What do you think could be done to them?

Summary: Believers must only marry according to the will of God.

Conclusion: If you desire to be guided by God in your marriage, He will surely guide you, provided you are ready to follow His guides.

Assignment: See assignment in the workbook. .